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Sinkliners are good for prepping, soaking, and rinsing food.  We have compiled a list of different uses recommended by our top consumers.


  • Marinade for meats and vegetables. 

  • Paints and Glue Projects 

  • Great for making pizza dough and homemade breads

  • Dyeing

  • Washing and sanitizing baby bottles and toys​

  • Hand washing small items

  • First aid soaking kit

  • School and College projects 

  • Great for cleaning kitchen

  • Wash your dishes and prevent scratches to your sink

  • Janitorial Services

  • Can be used as a Sink ice chest just add ice to your Sinkliners and cool down your favorite drink or dessert

  • Cleaning and gutting fish

  • Can be used to thaw out meat or frozen dishes


Arts & Crafts

We added our most used family projects below. Enjoy these exciting family projects, remember to have fun be safe and most important create!



Clothing- Use a Sinkliner to tie-dye your favorite clothing article

Egg dyeing- Just sit bowl full of coloring inside the Sinkliner

Paintbrush Washing - Just fill Sinkliner with water and soak and wash brushes.

Making homemade Play-Doh


Playdough ingredients:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour

  • 3/4 cup salt

  • 4 teaspoons cream of tartar

  • 2 cups lukewarm water

  • 2 Tablespoons of vegetable oil (coconut oil works too)

  • Food coloring, optional

  • Quart sized bags


Stir together the flour, salt and cream of tartar in a large pot. Next add the water and oil. If you’re only making one color, add in the color now as well. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Continue stirring until the dough has thickened and begins to form into a ball. Remove from heat, wait until cool and then place inside a SINKLINER. After cooled knead until smooth. If you are adding colors after, divide the dough into balls (for how many colors you want) and then add the dough into the quart sized bags. Start with about 5 drops of color and add more to brighten it. Knead the dough while inside the bag so it doesn’t stain your hands. Once it is all mixed together you’re ready to PLAY.

Making homemade Slime Recipe 

  • 8-ounce bottle Elmer’s white school glue

  • 1 1/2 – 2 Tablespoons contact saline solution, more as needed (or slime activator)

  • 1 Tablespoon baking soda

  • Food coloring,

·         Add glue and food coloring to your Sinkliner. Squeeze the bottle of glue into a Sinkliner. Add your food coloring if desired and stir until combined. Then mix in baking soda (photo 2).

·         Mix in saline solution. Add 1 1/2 Tablespoons saline solution and mix until combined. If it is too sticky, add 1/2 Tablespoon more solution at a time. The more you add, the thicker it will be. The less you add, the slimmer it’ll be.

·         Knead the slime. Using your hands, knead the slime until it holds together. It will be wet and gooey at first, but just keep kneading until it all comes together.

·         Transfer slime Sinkliner into a zip top bag

·         Dispose of bag properly

Store slime. Store slime in a container with lid, or in a zip top bag. The slime is best to play with on a place mat.

Paint Nature Ages 2-to adults

Go outside and collect any fallen leaves, pinecones, or sticks. Place your Sinkliner in the sink. Fill your Sinkliner with your favorite color paint. On a separate piece of paper dip, your found treasure (example, pinecone, leaf, rock), onto the paint and press down on construction paper to create a natural beautiful painting that your family can treasure for a lifetime.


Baby Handprint

Add ½ cup of your favorite paint into a Sinkliner.

  • Try to get the hand flat 
    Use both hands to spread the baby's hand out flat, starting at the base of the palm and then the fingers. If their hands are clenched, you can try stroking the back of their hands, gently uncurling their fingers, or rubbing their hands together. You can also try swaddling, singing, or shushing them if they are stressed or colicky. 


  • Dip the hand in the paint and very carefully transfer the impression on a paper
    To avoid smudging, press the baby's hand onto the paper from the heel of the hand toward the fingers, making sure to press each finger carefully. 

  • Wipe the hand 
    Before making another print, use a wet wipe to clean the baby's hand. You can also dress the baby in just a diaper to avoid getting paint on their clothes. 

 wet wipe

sinkliner marinade

Smith Family Secret Recipe

Marinate 2 lbs. of your favorite Beef, Chicken, Pork, or Seafood,

Using a Sinkliner Combine 2 lbs. of your favorite meat. 

2 tablespoons of red wine for red meats or 2 tablespoons of white wine for white meat

2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce

1 teaspoon of liquid smoke

1 Tablespoon of minced garlic

2 Teaspoon of parsley

1 Tablespoon of onion powder

1 Tablespoon of smoked paprika powder

1 teaspoon of smoked garlic powder

1 teaspoon of dry mustard

Use salt as desired. 

Store in refrigerator for 2 to 6 hours 

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